Praying for Someone You've Never Met

        When I was younger, I had always dreamed of getting married at the same age as my mom. She was 18 and my dad was 19. I had everything planned out; I was going to meet my guy, get married at 18, and have a lot of kids. Sounds great, right? ;)
    Well….let’s just say that 18 has come and gone and I am still not married. But don’t worry! I am not sitting in my room crying my eyes out day in and day out because I don’t have a guy (I’m not that dramatic, ok?). Neither am I rushing around frantically searching for any guy that will give me the time of day (I’m not that desperate either ;) )
      I am 20 now and I know I am living the exact life that God wants me to live. I am right where He has me, and that is the most important thing! Do I still want to get married? Why yes! Of course. God has given me a desire to be a Godly wife and mother and that is my dream. I realize though, that God has not brought the right one into my life yet. There might have been times that I thought a certain guy could be the one, but then God changed direction and showed me that He has an even greater plan for my life. And I am so thankful He did! I would rather not be in a relationship/courtship that I want now, then to be in a relationship that I regret later. A very wise lady once told me, “Satan always brings what seems good, right before God brings His best.” Wow! Isn’t that so true? Satan will often bring something into our lives that might seem good at the moment, but if we wait a little longer, God will bring His will along and it will be WAY better than we could ever imagine! I love Isaiah 64:4, which says,

“For since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, O God, beside thee, what he hath prepared for him that waiteth for him.”

       But the state of my singleness is not the purpose of my post today :) The purpose of this post is prayer. Wow…….big change of topic, right? But don’t exit out of the post quite yet! I’m not just writing about prayer, but I am writing about a specific prayer. God has been convicting my heart lately about how I was, or was not, praying for my future husband.
       Of course, if you’re anything like me, you have no idea who God has to be your future spouse. You might be thinking, “I think I already know exactly who God has for me.” Who knows, you might even be in a relationship/courtship right now. Can I just give a quick word of advice? Do your best to keep your heart guarded until he puts a ring on that finger and says, “I do”. You do not want to give your heart away if he isn’t the one that God has for you. If there is any doubt whatsoever that he might not be the one for you, then go seek counsel from your parents or your pastor. You do not want to enter into something that you will regret later.
       Anyway….back to the purpose of this post….:) I do not know who God has for my future, but I do know that I can start praying for him now. When I am a wife, I want to pray for my husband every single day, so why not start praying for him now?  
       But how can you pray for/about someone that you have no idea who they may be?? I’m glad you asked that question! I am going to take the next few posts and share with y’all some things that I have been praying about for my future husband. This is something that I feel like God wants me to share with y’all and I am honestly really excited to start this little mini “series” with you.
    So! Stay tuned for some practical tips on what to pray for a guy that you have never even met.

Also…on a side note…the internet at my house has been out for several days and will not be back on till next week. I am trying to write these posts whenever I have access to the internet. So be patient while I work on them, ok? ;)


  1. Very wise words. I see so many people young and older rushing into marriage rather than taking time to prayer. May God bless you with just the perfect mate as you wait on Him.


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