Praying for the One - Part 3

Between traveling with family, having friends visit, and finishing up some college summer classes, I finally got a chance to sit down and work on this post :)
I am going to just skip some of the preliminary stuff and get straight into the next thing that we need to pray for when praying for our future spouse. 
We talked about #1 - Salvation, and  #2 - Walk with God. Let's see what #3 is, shall we? ;)

#3 - No Hidden Sin

Christians have gotten really good at "hiding" sin so that they look good on the outside and in public, but really, they have something in their life that is hindering their fellowship with God. As Christian girls that are waiting for the one that God has for us, we must be praying for our future guy and the things that he may be going through right now. When I pray about this particular point, I pray something like this, 
"Lord, if my future guy is in sin right now or has something in his life that is not pleasing to you, I pray that he would get it right with you and with others. I pray that he will confess it and forsake it so that he can prepare himself to be the kind of husband and father that you want him to be. If he isn't willing to confess it on his own, I pray that You will reveal it and bring it out into the open so he can get it right."

I heard this quote by Allen Domelle recently, "When you cover your sin, God reveals it. When you reveal your sin, God covers it." The Bible says in Proverbs 28:13, "He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy."  I pray that my husband will have the character enough to confess and forsake his sin, so that he will prosper in life and so that God won't have to reveal it.

#4 - A Settled Love Question

When I pray for my future guy, I pray for this point in two different ways.

The first way that I pray, is for him to have a settled love question spiritually. This means that he loves the Lord above everything and everyone in his life. I want my guy to love the Lord way more than he loves me. I want him to make God the ultimate priority in his life. Because when he settles his love for the Lord and makes God his priority, I won't have to worry about his love for me being a priority in his life as well. A person who loves the Lord will want to please Him and do His will.

The second way that I pray, is for him to have a settled love question physically. When you meet your guy and start talking to him, you shouldn't have to worry about him falling for another girl. You should be his priority (outside of the Lord) and he should only have eyes for you. If he is debating which girl he likes better, then that should most definitely be a red flag to you. If he wants to have a relationship with you and get married to you, he should say, "I can't imagine living my life without you." He should NOT say, "I can't imagine living my life without you, or Sue, or Betty." You should be the only one that he cares about and the one that he wants to spend the rest of his life with.

I made these points a little shorter so I could fit in a couple of them in one post. :) I'm not sure how long this series will be, but I know there are still some more things that I want to talk about. I'd love to hear some feedback from y'all on what you think and if there is a certain way that you pray for your future spouse as well!
Thanks for reading and going along this journey with me!


  1. Love the Allen Domelle quote! So good Brenna!

  2. Great thoughts Brenna! Love learning new ways to pray for my future spouse! What a blessing!

  3. Love your post! It is a great example to me. I want to pray for my future husband like that.


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