Praying for the One - Part 2

     The first thing I want to do in this post is thank y’all for the feedback and encouragement that I have been receiving. You have no idea how much this means to me! It also makes me a little nervous to know that people are actually reading what I write. :) I am praying for you and I hope that this little series can be a help and encouragement in your life.
     So we learned that the first thing we need to pray for is salvation. This is so important, and it should be at the top of our list! When I mention the next thing that we should pray for, you’re probably going to think, “I know this already. Why are you even mentioning it?” I’m adding this to the list, because sometimes, we can so often forget to pray for the simple, practical things that we should be doing every day. But I’m getting ahead of myself here ;) Let’s see what the next point on our list is:

#2 – A Daily Walk with God 
       This is so important in the life of any Christian, including your future spouse. Every day we should be going to the Lord, gleaning from His Word, and spending quality time with Him in prayer. Is it always easy to do this every day? Definitely not. And this is why we need to pray about this specific thing for our future husband. My prayer is that my husband will make God his priority first thing in the morning. I pray that he will spend time in God’s Word every day, so that he can gain the wisdom he needs to be able to lead his family in the way that God would want him to. I also pray that as he reads the Bible, that God would lead him to the right verses that will strengthen him and help him to grow spiritually. The Bible should be the lamp that guides us to where we need to be, and if we do not spend time in His Word, we will not be able to succeed. The only verse that has the word “success” in it, is Joshua 1:8, which says,
     “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therin day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therin: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” 

    Only when we get into God’s Word and follow it will we have good success, and that is my prayer for my future husband. I pray that he will go to God’s Word every single day for guidance and for comfort.
       I also pray that he will go to God in prayer daily and spend time just talking with his Heavenly Father. Honestly, I want him to talk to God in the morning, before he ever even talks to me. One of the sweetest thoughts, is that my husband is going to God in prayer about me. The thought of a guy that is so close to the Lord that he talks to God about his future wife is one of the sweetest thoughts ever! I pray that my future husband will grow closer to the Lord every day.
       Ladies, when you start getting to know a guy, look at his conversation. People like to talk about the one that they spend the most time with, so how often does he talk about God? Does God come up often in his conversation? Also, ask him about his devotions. If he is hesitant to talk about it, or if he spouts off some random answer, then that should be a warning flag to you. If he is not willing to spend time with the Lord, then he is not worthy to spend time with you.
       Another thing that my sister-in-law and I were talking about just yesterday, was what a guy’s Bible should look like. When she met my brother and started a relationship with him, she glanced through his Bible one time while he wasn’t watching. She says that what she saw in that Bible was what impressed her the most about Josh. She saw a ton of written notes and underlined/highlighted verses. She knew right then that he had a relationship with the Lord and she could see his heart in the notes that he took. So ladies, when a guy starts taking interest in you, take a peek at his Bible. You can tell a lot about a person’s spiritual life by the way that their Bible looks.

    So! Pray for his daily walk with God. Pray that he will go to God’s Word every day for guidance and that he will spend quality time in prayer. Pray for him to grow closer to the Lord every day and for his relationship with the Lord to be the top priority in his life.

      I can’t wait to share with y’all the next couple of things on my list! I know these first couple of ones were simple, but they are so important! I hope it is a blessing to you and I hope that you aren’t just reading this post and not applying it. Girls, it is important that we pray for our future husband. Satan is trying to bring him down and make sure that he won’t live his life for the Lord, so we need to be praying for him!
See you next post!


  1. Such another great point, Bren!

  2. Excellent post, Brenna! Young people need this. What a ministry you have with your blog!


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