Praying for the One - Part 4

Does anybody else feel like time is flying? I realized that it has already been a week since I did my last post in the series. When I was younger, I thought it was crazy when I heard an adult say, "Time goes by faster as you grow older." Now...I realize how true that is!

When I started this series, I wasn't sure how long it would go on for or how many posts it would include. I wasn't even sure if anybody would be interested in reading it. But I know that God has put this blog topic on my heart for a reason, and that He will guide the right people to read it. I am definitely not writing this to boost my pride or followers, but I am doing it because God wants me to be a help and an encouragement to other young ladies like myself. Do I know everything about relationships? Definitely not ;) But I have learned some things through experiences that I have had, and I want to do whatever I can to learn from those experiences and grow closer to the Lord through it.

Anyway! Let's do a quick review. What should I pray for when praying for my future spouse? 1) Salvation. That is the most important thing to pray for! 2) A walk with God, 3) No hidden sin, and 4) A settled love question.

#5 - A Surrendered Will 

Outside of salvation and a relationship with the Lord, this might be the most important thing to pray for when praying for the one that God has for you. When I pray for my future guy, I pray that he would be surrendered and open to the will of God. I pray that he will be moldable and yieldable in the hands of God and that he would be willing to do whatever God has him to do and go wherever God has him to go. When I get married, I want my husband to lead us and keep us in the very center of God's will. I have no idea what that will of God might include for our lives, but wherever it leads, I want us to know 100% that we are exactly where God wants us to be. I pray that my future spouse will be surrendered to the will of God now and that he will be faithfully praying for God's guidance and wisdom in his life. I pray that he will learn to listen for God's voice now, so that when we get married, he will be confident in seeking, trusting, and following the will of God.

#6 - Past Relationships

Of course, I have no idea what my future guy's past is. I have no idea whether there has been another girl in his life before or whether he might be in another relationship right now. My prayer is that if he is in a relationship right now, that God would make it clear and evident that she isn't the one for him and that he would be willing to listen to God's voice. I also pray that if he has ended a relationship in the past, that he will prepare his heart and life for the one that God has for him.

I'm just going to be real with you for a second :)  I know that, for me, I have been in a courtship with a young man before. We were in a relationship for a almost a year before God showed us that it was not His will for us to take our relationship to the next step. Did it hurt? Yes, it did. Did I cry? Of course. Am I thankful that God took him out of my life? I can honestly say that yes, I am very thankful. I know for sure that I was not out of God's will when I was in a relationship with this guy, but I also know for sure that I would have been out of God's will if I had gotten engaged and married to him. When we parted ways, I had no idea what God was doing in my life and my heart was broken and hurt. But God was able to teach me literally so much through that time, and I am so much closer to the Lord now than I was before. And now, God has put so many young ladies into my life that He has allowed me to encourage and give advice to when they were either in a relationship or going through a hard breakup.
So girls, I know it's not easy to think of your guy being interested in another girl, but that is why it is so important to pray for him and for his past (or present) relationships. Pray that God would guard his heart from getting close to another girl. Pray that God would open his eyes and make His will clear in his life. Pray that your guy will guard himself from making mistakes and doing anything wrong in that relationship. And pray that when he ends a past relationship, that God would heal his heart and prepare it for you.

I honestly have no idea how many more posts this series will take, but I hope that it has been an encouragement and help to you so far! Thanks for reading and for praying along with me! Be patient....God has the right one out there for you ;) Keep your eyes focused on the Lord.


  1. Great one Brenna! Just wrote all those things down on a sticky note and posted it to my computer. I want to be more intentional in praying for specific things when it comes to my future spouse!

  2. It is good you have some experience to draw on so that other girls can know that you have been through some things. I know you are going to help many with your posts.


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