My Story

Since you made it to my blog, you are probably wondering a little bit about me. Well...keep reading and you'll find out! :)
As you already know, my name is Brenna Gimenez and I am 19-years-old. I was raised in a Christian home and my parents have been serving in the ministry ever since I was born.
I have quite a big family, with 5 siblings (I am number three!) and three siblings in Heaven. My parents are amazing and I love them so dearly. They have had a huge impact on my life and I have such a good relationship with them.
 I was saved at the age of 5 (see my "How to Get to Heaven" page for more details about salvation). In 2006, the Lord called my family and I to the island of St. Barths as missionaries. We were there for three years and were able to see 5 souls saved! It was then that my Mom got sick and the doctors on the island could not help her, so they sent her back to see American doctors. After many doctor's visits, we knew it wasn't possible for us to go back to the mission field. The Lord didn't want us to return to St. Barths, so we prayed about what the next step would be. That is when God called us into church-planting in the U.S. He led us to High Springs, Fl. where we planted Victory Springs Independent Baptist Church in 2015. If you want a Bible-believing, step-on-toes preaching, hymnbook-singing church...well then you got it! Yes sir, that is my church and I love every bit of it!
 I currently work in several ministries, some including the bus ministry, nursery, music ministry, and Sunday School. I absolutely love working with kids!
I am also currently furthering my education with Veritas Baptist College. It is an online college that is amazing! It allows me to work in my ministries and get my degree at the same time. I love it! I am earning my degree in Christian Elementary Education.
Well, there you go! That's my story "in a nutshell". I hope you enjoy reading!


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