What About Now?

Hey y'all!
      I know.....it's been a while ;) Does anybody else feel like 2020 started off with a bang and hasn't slowed down since? Because that is my thought exactly right now. Also, I definitely feel like January went by WAY too fast. Can you even believe that it is already February?? Me neither. 

     I know that just about everybody has been sharing their New Year goals and focus words lately. Y'all are probably so tired of hearing what other people want to do in 2020, but I thought I would share mine with you as well (I know it's cliche, but oh well ;).

       I have one word that I am focusing on for the year 2020. Are you ready to hear it? Because I am super excited to share it with you! 

That word is.........drumroll please........


That's right. Focus. 
Honestly, I have no idea how this word came to be my word for 2020, but God has been working on my heart about this, so I thought it would be perfect. 
      I so often find myself being impatient about the future and thinking, "When will this happen??" I start wishing that God would move things along and make it come quicker. The words, "I can't wait for my future to begin." are something that I have said way too often (please tell me that I am not alone in thinking this). 
     Then I realized something.......I am living my future right now. God wants me right here, for a reason, so why am I so wrapped up in what I want to happen in the future? Don't get me wrong, it's good to start planning for the future and preparing yourself for what God has in store, but there has to be a good balance. For me, I was spending so much of my time thinking about "future this" and "future that", that I lost focus of the now. I lost focus on my life right now. That's why I made "focus" my word for this year. I want this to be a reminder that I need to focus on what is happening right now. Focus on my family time and watching my little siblings and nieces grow up. Focus on completing my college degree. Focus on being a witness in the ministries that I work in. And most importantly, focus on building my relationship with the Lord right now.

       This sort of leads to another theme of mine for 2020. Well really, it's my church's theme, but I am taking it as my own as well. This theme is Now it is High Time. It is taken from Romans 13:11. 
I actually took this theme and taught a lesson on it to my Sunday School kids. I encouraged them to not wait till they're an adult to start praying, reading their Bibles, witnessing, or being faithful to church. They need to start that now. 
       Whether they took this lesson to heart or not is on their shoulders, but I know that God convicted my heart immensely while I was teaching.  I don't have to wait to get serious about God. Now is the time. My preacher (aka my dad), preached a message on this very topic. He said, "Live now so that you don't have any regrets on your deathbed." When I am old, I don't want to look back on my life and think, "I wish that I had done that when I was 20." or "I wish I took that theme to heart and lived in the now." Whether it is conquering a bad habit, developing a strong relationship with the Lord, getting serious about my responsibilities, or (you fill in the blank), now is the time to do it. Don't wait, because you will end up regretting it.

      I have literally so much that I could share with you, but this has already begun to get a little long. :) I appreciate you reading this far! Hopefully this can somehow be an encouragement to you like it has been for me. 
Till next time! 


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