Bible, Sweet Tea, and a Pumpkin-Spiced Candle

Life has been so busy lately! Between ministries, college classes, and my little side job, it's been hard to find time to do things like blogging. I'm sure y'all know exactly how that feels, right? ;) This morning, as I was sitting here with my Bible, sweet tea, to-do list, and a pumpkin-spiced candle (who's ready for Fall...because I sure am! Cooler weather here we come! Hopefully :), I just had a sense of peace and contentment. I am absolutely content right where I am. I am not rushing to get to the "next thing" in my life or stressing out about things in my life right now; I am just happy where God has me, and honestly, it is the best feeling ever!

I am currently reading through the New Testament again this year, and my schedule led me to John 17 this morning. I read this chapter through and then I stopped and read it through again. If you could have seen me at my desk, you would literally see me pause and say, "Wow". John gives us an incredible insight into the personal life of Jesus Christ! The entire chapter is a prayer that Jesus prayed. It amazes me that, even though Jesus is God, He took time out of His day and busy schedule to talk to the Father. That alone is convicting, right?! If Jesus was able to break away and spend time with His Father, then surely we can too. We should have no excuse for taking time to daily talk with God and spend time in His Word.

There are so many verses in this chapter that I could spend a long time talking about, but that would be the longest post I will spare you :)
The beginning of this chapter starts off with Jesus praying for Himself and telling God the Father that, "I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do." What a testimony!
Then in verse 6, Jesus starts praying for His disciples. But what really made me say, "Wow", was verse 20, which says,

"Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word;" 

Wait just a sec.....does that mean that Jesus prayed for us? Yes! He prayed for them which "shall believe" and that includes you and me! That is so humbling. As Jesus was praying this prayer, you and I were on His mind.
This amazed me so much, but it also convicted my heart. Have you ever prayed for someone, and then they go the wrong way, or ruin their life with's heart-breaking, isn't it? It made me think about my life right now. Am I breaking Jesus' heart by the way I am living right now?'s convicting, right!
What about you? Jesus prayed for you. Are you breaking His heart because of sin in your life?

I don't know if this even made sense to y'all, but I know that the Lord really worked on my heart today. I hope in some way that this could be a blessing to you as well. :)
So a pumpkin-spiced candle, sit with your Bible and sweet tea, and enjoy your day! 'Till next time!


  1. Wow! Great post Bren. Love it. Keep up the good job and posting God's love for us.

  2. This was a blessing to me!! My heart is amazed at how much God loves me!


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