What Everyone Knows, What I Know

I am taking several classes with my college this summer and one of the classes that I am taking is called Creative Writing. Part of me was really excited about this class, while the other part was quite nervous. I don't consider myself a good writer at all, but I am working on becoming better in that area :)
I recently had to write an assignment called What Everyone Knows, What I Know. I had to pick a person, incident, or memory and write about what everybody knows about it. Then, I had to write about something that I know about it. I decided to write about my sister, Elisabeth. I have a unique view of her personality and character and I love her dearly! I thought I would share with y'all what I wrote and let you get a glimpse of Elisabeth from my eyes. Enjoy!

"What everyone knows about my sister, Elisabeth, is that she is quiet and timid, and yet sweet-tempered. I have often heard it said that, “Elisabeth is so sweet, I do not think that she could ever speak a bad word about someone.” They often notice her staying behind-the-scenes and quite frequently standing alone. When someone speaks to her, she will politely answer and be cordial, but will not have a lengthy conversation with an individual. Everyone knows that her happy time is when she is singing. There is something about her soft, full voice that draws everyone’s attention and allows them to focus on the words and meaning of a song. When she worships the Lord in song, her timid and shy spirit fall away. As soon as she has stopped her beautiful singing, she becomes shy, timid, and sweet once more. 
What I know about my sister, Elisabeth, is something that not many other people know about her. I have the privilege of seeing and knowing her in a way that no one else does. We are similar in age – simply 16 months between us. We grew up together and have the best of friendships. When everyone else perceives her to be quiet and shy, I see the side of her that is talkative and bubbly. There have been many times that she has lain awake at night talking and I have fallen asleep because it was already past two in the morning. I have seen her cheer and celebrate when she wins a game. I have seen her love for the Lord and desire to please Him in a way that no one else has. I have seen her run through the house laughing because she was playing a game with our younger siblings. This side of my sister is a side that others may not know, but one that I count it a joy to be able to see. She is truly one of my very best friends."


  1. I loved this post too! Had to smile all the way through it.


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