How do You Approach the Day?

       The Lord has placed something on my heart today that I thought I would share with y'all! It won't take long at all...I promise ;)
        As you know, I am currently in college earning my Elementary Education degree. The classes that I am taking are fantastic and I am literally learning SO much from my education teachers. One class in particular, Classroom Management, is going through a series right now called "When Rules Cause Bitterness". Let me just say...I am loving it! This series is causing me to look at the way I enforce rules and correct. I want to make sure that I, as a teacher, am not causing bitterness in the life of a child because I didn't correct or manage the class in love. When I do have to correct, that student should always walk away from the correction saying, "I know that Miss Brenna loves me."
     Anyway! Too make a long story short ;) there was one particular part of the lecture that made me want to stop and say, "Wow" and "Ouch" at the same time (does that ever happen to anyone else?). Here is what was said,

"How do you approach each day? Do you go into the day looking at the blessings God has given you, or do you go into the day with one eye on the past?"

       How many times have I gone into a new day and not once thought about the blessings of God, but instead, focused my attention on mistakes and failures of not only myself, but of others also? (I am definitely now answering that question out loud..because it is way too many times to count). Seriously though, I cannot tell you how many times I start off a day by thinking about the mistakes and failures that I made the day (or even years) before.
I's hard to believe that I make mistakes, right? So kidding! I have done my fair share of wrong....believe me. Pastor's kids are NOT perfect. 
I am also ashamed to say, but there have also been times that I have gone into a new day and thought about the failures of others and how it hurt me.

      As a Christian, this should never be the case! We need to start "each day fresh". I need to make sure that I look at each day as an opportunity to start fresh and new. I don't have to live with my focus on the past and the mistakes that I have made! I need to live with my focus on the now and the blessings that God has given me today.

See? I told you it would be a short post today! Thanks for reading! I don't know exactly who reads these posts, but I am praying that God will somehow use this as an encouragement and help to you.
Till next time!


  1. You're a blessing Bren!! I love the idea of starting afresh and anew. Sounds like an Anne of Green Gables quote. 😉 So thankful that my daughter walks with the Lord and makes me want to live better for Him!


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