My New Devotion Theme

    I have been debating what I wanted to do for my devotions next year. This year, I wanted to read the New Testament several times, and I was able to finish it three times! It was absolutely amazing! I felt like I read something new every time I read it. If you haven't ever read your Bible through, I encourage you to do it. You will be amazed at all that God will show you in His Word. :)
     So! For next year's devotions I have decided to do character studies. I will take a person in the Bible and study out their life - the things they did wrong and the things they did right. I want to take the things that helped them succeed in their Christian life and I want to apply those things to my life.     I couldn't wait to start these character studies, so I ended up starting now! My first person was.........Ruth! I have read the book of Ruth so many times and I felt like I knew her story and her characteristics, but as I read it again, there were so many character qualities that I had never noticed before. Ruth was such an amazing woman and we can learn so many things from her. I thought I would share my list of qualities with y'all :) So far, I've noticed 14 amazing qualities that Ruth had in her life. Are you ready? :)

1) Kind (Ruth 1:8) 
     Such a simple quality, but something that can be so hard to do at times.

2) She cleaved when others only kissed (Ruth 1:14)
    When other people, like Orpah, decided that she was only going to "kiss" her mother-in-law and leave, Ruth decided to cleave and to hold onto what's right. What do you do? Do you just blow kisses to God and His Word or do you cleave and not let go?

3) She was stedfast and determined to do the right thing, even if it meant that she had to leave the comfort of her home and family. (Ruth 1:18)
       Do you think it was easy for her to leave her home and family? Definitely not. Yet, she still did it because she knew that it was the right thing to do.

4) She had a desire to help the hurting (Ruth 2:2)
      Ruth knew that Naomi was a hurting lady. She had just lost her husband and both of her sons (talk about going through a trial, right?). Ruth understood that she was hurting and did what she could to help Naomi in a time of hurt.

5) She worked hard to provide for her family (Ruth 2:3)
   This kind of goes along with the last point. Ruth knew that someone had to go out and work to provide food. She didn't just sit at home lazily and wait for provisions to come; she went out to the fields and started working. 

6) She had a reputation of diligence and hard work (Ruth 2:7)
    Not only did she decide to get up and work, but she worked so hard that other people took notice. The workers in Boaz's field told him that she came and "continued even from the morning until now, that she tarried little in the house." Ruth had a good work ethic. She gleaned hard in the fields all day and didn't stop to socialize or take a break.

7) She had a respect for authority (Ruth 2:10)
     When Boaz came to meet Ruth, she bowed herself to the ground. She knew that he was the one in authority and that she needed to show respect unto him.

8) She was humble. (Ruth 2:10)
     When Boaz told Ruth that he would take care of her if she stayed in his fields, she said, "Why have I found grace in thine eyes; that thou shouldest take knowledge of me, seeing I am a stranger?" She knew that she didn't deserve this kindness. Sadly, we sometimes expect people to do things for us, because we think we deserve it.

9) She had a testimony of overcoming her past and living up to God's full potential for her life (Ruth 2:11-12)
       Do you think people talked behind Ruth's back and made fun of her for the place that she was from? Of course! Ruth stood out because she was from the city called Moab. Moab wasn't known as a good city and we can see this later in the book when the other kinsmen didn't want to redeem her. She was looked down upon because of her past. Yet, she overcame her past and lived for God in her present.

10) She didn't keep the fruit of her labor to herself (Ruth 2:18)
      Ruth didn't have the attitude of, "I worked hard for this so I am going to keep it all to myself and enjoy it." No, we see the total opposite, in that, she gave it to Naomi.

11) She stayed around the right crowd (Ruth 2:23)
     "So she kept fast by the maidens of Boaz." She knew that this was the right crowd to hang around because they belonged to Boaz. As Christians, it is so important to consider who we are hanging around and associating with. Our closest friends should be the people that are saved, faithful Christians that have the right kind of testimonies. Ruth understood the importance of staying around the right kind of people.

12) Obedient (Ruth 3:5)
     I love Ruth's words in this verse, "And she said unto her, All that thou sayest unto me I will do." Ruth probably didn't understand all that Naomi was telling her to do, but she didn't stop to ask "Why?". She simply did it and obeyed. What an example!

13) Virtuous (Ruth 3:11)
      Ruth is the exact picture of a Proverbs 31 woman! Boaz says so in verse 11 of chapter 3.

14) She had a great love (Ruth 4:15)
      "...for thy daughter in law, which loveth thee..." Ruth's love for Naomi could be seen by other people....can yours? Can other people see that you have a great love for others and for God?

I don't know about y'all, but my heart was convicted as I was studying all of these character qualities that Ruth had in her life. When I think of the kind of woman that Ruth was, it amazes me! I want my life to look like Ruth's life. I want to have these qualities in my life.

Thanks for reading! 'Till next time ;)


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