Mirrors or Windows

I was listening to a message today by Bob Gray 2. He is one of my favorite preachers and I highly recommend listening to some of his messages (there are a lot on Youtube)! As I was listening to one of his messages called "Proactive Christianity", he said this quote, "Is your life a life of mirrors? Or windows?"
If you are anything like me, you would stop here and say, "Huh? What is he talking about? Windows and mirrors.....I have no idea." I had those same exact questions too...don't worry :) But as I listened to him explain this, it was like one of the "light-bulb" moments! It's actually makes a lot of sense (or it did to me at least :).
If you're a pastor's kid (like me!) or even if you're not, but you serve in the ministry at your church, you  have one of two attitudes. You are either serving in the ministry and having a "performance" attitude. Or you are serving in the ministry and having a "Spirit-filled" attitude.

When you are working in the ministry for the performance, then you are saying, "Look at what I did! How did I do? Did I sing really good or did I play that instrument really good?" In other words, you are living a life of mirrors. You are looking around and seeing yourself in everything you do and how you can make yourself look better. You are looking in that mirror-life and thinking about what others think of you and how you can improve performance.

When you are living a life of windows, you are looking through your window and seeing other people and saying, "How can I serve someone else today? Who is the Holy Spirit telling me that I need to be a blessing and encouragement to?" In this case, you are living a life of windows. You are looking around and seeing others, instead of yourself. You are listening for the Holy Spirit's voice in your life.

This reminds of the verse in Galatians 1:10, that says,
           "For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ."

It all boils down to who you are trying to please in your life. Why are you really doing what you are doing? Are you serving in the ministry because you want your performance to look good? Or are you working in the ministry to encourage, help, and strengthen those around you? Or more importantly, are you serving in the ministry to bring all the glory and honour to God and make Him look good?

So! Stop right now and ask yourself, "Is my life a life of mirrors? Or a life of windows?" ;)


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