The Biblical Approach to Finding a Mate (Part 2)

Are y'all ready for the next part of this little "series"? I know I am! So what are we waiting for?? Let's go!

One of the greatest Biblical examples on finding a future spouse is the story of Isaac and Rebekah. One of my favorites for sure! This example can be found in Genesis 24. We are going to look at several things that we can learn from this story about what we should be doing or what we should be looking for when finding "the One".

1) Isaac was not searching for a wife (Genesis 24:1-4)
The title of this series (as my brother puts it) is really an 'oxymoron'. The Biblical approach to "finding" a mate isn't really searching at all! And no, it's not a time of just simply waiting either. This is a time to prepare for the future. For me, this is a time that I need to use to prepare myself on how to run a home, cook, take care of children, etc. I shouldn't just be sitting around saying, "Woe is me....hurry up Prince Charming....I'm gettin' bored here." Definitely not! Prepare now for the future.

2) Isaac fully relied on his father to provide a wife. (Genesis 24:1-4)
Ok, let's stop just a second. No...I do not believe in arranged marriages. As my brother said, "I believe in authority-approved marriages." My parents have always told me that they will not choose my husband for me, but they do have veto-power when it comes to who that person is. If there is something that they see that they do not approve of, they have the authority in my life to say, "He is not the one for you." (or as my dad would say, "kick him to the curb" ;) Just as Isaac relied on his father, I need to not only rely on my earthly father, but my Heavenly Father as well. God is going to tell me when the right one comes along....I need to rely fully on His timing. Trust me, I know how hard it is to wait (I am not a patient girl), but it is SO important to wait on God's timing. Why search when we know that God will bring the right one at the right time.

3) Isaac counted counsel key 
Isaac not only relied on his father's counsel, but he relied on the counsel of the keeper of his father's house. So let's stop and look at this for a second. Just as Abraham was Isaac's father, God is our heavenly Father. And who would be the keeper of our Father's house? got it! The pastor. Yes, we can rely on our Pastor's counsel as well. God has put a Pastor in our lives for a purpose, and we need to rely on his counsel.

4) There were requirements for the spouse. (vs. 3, 17-18,13) 
So I have a list of requirements for my future spouse. I have this list divided into two sections, Deal-breakers and Preferences. On my deal-breakers section I have a list of things that are "musts" for my future spouse, such as: salvation, dress and music standards, etc. On my preferences list are things that I would really like for my husband to have or to be, but are not super important. Such as...I want him to enjoy the outdoors. (I absolutely love fishing..and I enjoy hunting too, so I would like him to enjoy that as well).
Isaac had a list of requirements. Let's take a look at some things on his list...
-She could not be of the world/she must be a believer (vs. 3)
-She needed to have a servant's heart (vs. 17-18)
-She must be willing to follow (vs. 8)
-She must frequent the well. (vs. 13).
If you're like me...I was wondering how the last point could apply to us today, but it is so simple!!  The Bible tells us that Jesus is the living water, so for us, this would mean that our future spouse should frequent the place where Jesus is. Such as the church, their Bible, their daily devotions and walk with God. If you see someone that is in and out of church then he/she should not be considered as a future spouse.  This leads to the last point.....

5) Isaac had a personal relationship with God.
Verse 62 says,

"And Isaac came from the way of the well Lahairoi; for he dwelt in the south country."

The word Lahairoi means "the living one seeing me." Do you know what this means?? Isaac had a relationship with God! He frequently talked to God. If you are interested in someone that doesn't have daily devotions, or that never talks about what God is speaking to them about or doing in their life, then you don't need to be interested in them! This is so so important and should not be taken lightly. We need to consider someone like Isaac that "Lives where God sees them."

I hope you enjoyed this second part to The Biblical Approach to Finding a Mate (I know I am enjoying it!). These truths are so important for every single person that is waiting on the One that God has for them.


  1. Very good Brenna! (And Joshua!) It's been a while...I want to see your lists :)


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