Lord, Here's My Life

So I think I have a new favorite song! It seems like every couple of months I have a new favorite song and then I listen to it on repeat all day. (is there anybody else like that or is it just me? ;) Normally it's a song that applies to my life at that moment, or it might be one that I just love because the words are so good!

Let me just stop and say....I have a very high music standard set in my life. I choose not to listen to the world's music or anything that sounds like the world. I don't listen to contemporary Christian (because honestly, that's no different than what the world has to offer). I listen to music that glorifies God not only in the words, but in the background music as well. I like listening to colleges a lot (like Hyles-Anderson or Heartland or Golden State). There are a couple of other groups I like to listen to as well...but for sake of time, I won't list all of them here. If you'd like to hear some more about what music I listen to, then shoot me an email! I'd love to share!

So back to the main topic. :) I noticed the other day that one of the colleges I like to listen to, put out a new cd and I was so excited to listen to it! The first song I played just about made me start crying. The title is "Lord, Here's My Life".

The first verse starts out talking about how the plans that I had for my life didn't include heartache or disappointments, but God had a different plan for my life.

How true is that! Yes, I may be only 19-years-old, but I have already been through some trials and things that I thought I would never get over. It was hard. In the storybook that I was writing for my life, I didn't include these heartaches. In fact, I never wanted to experience them! I just wanted to live a happy life, without ever having to shed a tear over a trial or disappointment. But that's not how life works. That's not the story that God was writing for me. God had a completely different plan that I never expected or even wanted at the time. But honestly, it was those same trials and heartaches that brought me closer to Him. God used those things in my life to teach me that I was forsaking my relationship with Him. I realized that I was so focused on myself and my own plans, that I didn't give His plan for me much thought. It was through those trials in my life, that I came to the realization that I needed to just give Him my everything. Writing my own story will not be nearly as captivating or as exciting as His story for my life.

You know, looking back, there are still some things that I don't understand. And I might never know why God saw fit to take that out of my life, or to even bring it into my life to begin with. But that is where trust and surrender comes in. Even though I might not fully understand the "why" or the answers to all my questions, I need to have the attitude that says, "Lord here's my life. I surrender. Take the pen from my hand and write YOUR story." Because with that attitude, no matter what comes your way, you will always know that God's story for your life will always be better than what you "thought" was best.

I want this song to be my attitude throughout every circumstance I go through.

Verse 1.
I knew exactly how I wanted my own life to go.
No heartaches. No failures. No disappointments to unfold.
But God had a different plan of what life would bring my way.
And though I may not understand, I can trust the Lord and say...

Here's my life. I surrender.
All my plans and all my dreams that I thought were best for me.
Use my life for Your glory.
Take the pen from my hand and write out your story.
And although I may never fully understand.
I want to be willing to say, "Lord, here's my life."

Verse 2:
You may be struggling with trials of your own.
You cannot see God's plan for you, you feel so all alone.
Oh, but God's way is perfect, He guides each step you take.
And although it's hard to see it now, you can trust the Lord and say....

Here's my life. I surrender.
All my plans and all my dreams that I thought were best for me.
Use my life for Your glory.
Take the pen from my hand and write out your story.
And although I may never fully understand.
I want to be willing to say...
Take my life and let it be, consecrated, Lord, to Thee.
Here's my life. I surrender.
All my plans and all my dreams that I thought were best for me.
Use my life for Your glory.
Take the pen from my hand and write out your story.
And although I may never fully understand.
I want to be willing to say, "Lord, here's my life."

Wow....what an amazing song, right?! I highly recommend putting this song on repeat on your playlist (I definitely have! ;)   Here's the link



  1. Wow, Bren! Great song! I'll add it to my playlist. Thanks for sharing your heart. love you my girl!!


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