He is Risen!

When some people think of Easter, they think of egg hunts and the Easter bunny. Some people think of ham and the big Easter dinner. Some people think of Easter as the only day that they can eat candy and chocolate for breakfast (not mentioning any names.....but I might just happen to be on that list ;)  Yes, I definitely enjoy all of the Easter festivities and candy just like anybody else. Who doesn't, right?
But when I stop and think of Easter Sunday, (and hopefully you do too) I think of our risen Savior!

Matthew 28:6 says,

"He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see where the Lord lay."

Sometimes it can be so easy to miss what Easter is truly about. Yes, we think about Jesus' Resurrection in services on Sunday when the preacher talks about the empty tomb. But do we really stop and consider this amazing, true story throughout the Easter season?? Jesus is risen! He is alive!! We don't serve a God who is dead and still in the grave!
I don't know about y'all...but this makes me so excited!! Hearing the story of how Christ suffered for me and for you...and how He was laid in the rich man's tomb....and how soldiers were guarding the outside of the tomb....and how the third day came and the stone was rolled away....and how the angels told the ladies that Jesus was not there, but had risen again! How can this story not excite you?? 
(I'm getting goose bumps just thinking about it)

Sometimes it can be so easy to think about this Resurrection story on Easter Sunday, but then leave it there and not think about it again until next Easter. Don't let that be said of you. Remember throughout the whole year, that the God that you serve is alive! He is no longer in the grave!

Today was such an exciting, busy Easter Sunday. As a Pastor's kid, I was running around all day, working in the ministry. But I wouldn't have it any other way. Spending my Easter Sunday serving my risen Savior, and being busy running around for Him, is totally worth it! I hope that throughout the rest of the year, I never forget all that my Lord has done for me and all that He suffered on the cross for me. 

Happy Easter to you all!!


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