Hurry up, God!

Yes, as a 19-year-old, I am patiently (or at least trying to be patient) waiting for the One that God has for me. If you are a teen or young adult reading this, you may be thinking the same exact thing.

                            What's that old quote..."great minds think alike"? Wow! We have great minds! :)

During this waiting time, it is so easy to get impatient or to think, "Hurry up God! My life is flying by me!" It's easy to get frustrated with God's timing. Sometimes it can even be easy to think that there isn't one out there for me. Maybe God just wants me to stay single for the rest of my life. Maybe I will end up being that old spinster with 30 cats (that is definitely not a nice thought). You know what...maybe I should just go with the next guy that comes along, whether he is God's will or not.

Whoa!! Stop just a sec. Let's talk about this. Trust me...I have been there, thinking those thoughts, being impatient, just like you. Then God gave me this verse that I had read so many times (I had even had this verse memorized!) But that day it spoke to me like it never had before. It's 1 Timothy 6:6,   
                                         "But godliness with contentment is great gain."

Well, what is so special about this verse? Look at it again. Do you see that little word there? Yeah, the one that starts with a "C". Yes, that's it. Contentment. What is contentment? I'm so glad you asked! :) Contentment is being in a state of peaceful happiness. It's being satisfied. So! Let's apply this to our lives right now. Stop and take a quick peek at your life. What do you see? Do you see a family? Do you see a church? Do you see your ministries you work in? Do you see people that you have an influence on (like friends or siblings)? Just think for a second....God has put you right here, right now, for a purpose. There is someone that God wants you to influence today. There is some place that God wants you to be right now so that you can show Christ in your life. There are ministries that God has you working in right now that takes a special person like you to run them. Do you really think that telling God to hurry up and bring "the one" is being content with where He has placed you right now? No, it definitely isn't. Instead of thinking about the future life you want to live, and who you would like to marry someday...focus on where God has you right now. Focus on His plan for you right now. Invest all  you have into what God has given you in the present. The people around you need to see you living your all for Jesus Christ. They don't need to see an impatient guy/girl that is bored and waiting for the one. They need to see you giving everything you have for God. They need to see you being content and satisfied with where God has you.

So! Next time you find yourself telling God to "Hurry Up", just remember 1 Timothy 6:6. Be Content!


  1. That's really good. Great job, Brenna. I'm glad you have a blog because I am sure that it will influence people out there.


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