
Today's Bible reading was in Hebrews, specifically chapter 11, the "Hall of Faith" as some call it. Wow! What an amazing chapter in the Bible! There is so much truth that we can learn from these great men and women of faith. Such as Moses,

                  "Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God,than to enjoy the                                                                            pleasures of sin for a season."

Or maybe Abraham who,"obeyed; and went out, not knowing whither he went."
 The list could go on and on. What great lessons of faith!

*On a side note, take a look at the end of the chapter. Verse 32-40. There is a list of things that great men and women suffered because they wouldn't give in to Satan. They suffered so much, but they still had faith. If I were in that situation, would I have faith just like them? How convicting, right?!*

Anyway, back to the topic at hand :) There was one verse this morning that really stuck out to me. It's verse 6,
            "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe                                    that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."

 There was one specific word that jumped out at me. Can you guess what it is? Yup! That's it....diligently. Diligent means to be constant in effort to accomplish something. In this case, we need to be constant in our effort to seek Christ. Let's look back on our day yesterday. How diligently did you seek God? I'm not talking about our daily personal devotions (although that is definitely so important!). I'm talking about going about our day seeking God in everything we do. Yesterday, I went to the mall with one of my friends and my sister. You may think...how can you seek God by going to the mall? Well, we didn't go out to seek Him at the mall...we went to shop (of course! :) But while we were there, we saw a group of teens and young adults from some "false" church sharing their religion around the mall. And you know what? That convicted us! Why were we just sitting there worrying only about ourselves, when a false church was out there reaching others for their religion? In that moment, we weren't seeking Christ. We were too worried about our shopping to stop and seek Christ in that moment. We could have taken that time to share the Gospel or pass out tracts. We need to decide to diligently show Christ in our lives no matter what we are doing. What are you doing to seek God today? Are you being diligent at it?


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