How do You Approach the Day?
The Lord has placed something on my heart today that I thought I would share with y'all! It won't take long at all...I promise ;) As you know, I am currently in college earning my Elementary Education degree. The classes that I am taking are fantastic and I am literally learning SO much from my education teachers. One class in particular, Classroom Management, is going through a series right now called "When Rules Cause Bitterness". Let me just say...I am loving it! This series is causing me to look at the way I enforce rules and correct. I want to make sure that I, as a teacher, am not causing bitterness in the life of a child because I didn't correct or manage the class in love . When I do have to correct, that student should always walk away from the correction saying, "I know that Miss Brenna loves me." Anyway! Too make a long story short ;) there was one particular part of the lecture that made me ...